Throughout David Dorian Ross's deposition lasting approximately 5 hours on August 1, 2001, he consistently testified under oath (and in detail) that four (4) "Chi For Beginners" videos distributed by Gaiam that he appears in ("A.M. The damages I claimed in the lawsuit as propounded by my damages expert, Consor Intellectual Asset Management, totaled approximately $2.4 million. Chi" for HAPI (CEO Steve Adams) in 1998, which, had Tai Chi as their principal subject matter but which Gaiam effectively disguised as "Qigong" programs by their titling ("Chi For Beginners") and descriptions of the video contents on the packaging, and which Gaiam then sold-in gross violation of the Distribution Agreement-to cannibalize my videos' dominant market share from 1999 through 2003-a market share that was quantified by Nielson Videoscan for those years as accounting for 35% of all barcoded DVD titles sold with the world "Chi" in their titles. for breach of contract, alleging that Gaiam instead of honoring the exclusivity provision in my Distribution Agreement that prohibited Gaiam from marketing any Tai Chi videos other than my Tai Chi for Health Yang Short Form and Tai Chi For Health Yang Long Form videos, Gaiam hired david dorian ross in 1999 to make three more "Chi" videos (Upper Body Chi, Lower Body Chi, and Energy Chi) after he made "A.M. Adams, David Dorian Ross, and John Does 1-100, inclusively" that I filed in Los Angeles Superior Court in January 2000- Case BC244453.Īll the video footage mounted on this Youtube Channel is of david dorian ross testifying under oath on Augin a deposition in San Francisco taken by my attorney, William Ford of the Ford Law Firm. Adams Holdings, a California Corporation, Healing Arts Publishing, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, Steven P. Gaiam, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, Gaiam Holdings, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, Steve P. My Complaint against this breach of contract is memorialized in a lawsuit styled "Terence Dunn and Interarts Productions, Inc. and its successor in interest, Gaiam, Inc.-that had both hired david dorian ross in 19, respectively, to make a bunch of "Chi For Beginners" videos, that were deceptively titled and packaged so as to circumvent an exclusivity provision in a contract that I had with both these companies. It is posted as public service, for David Dorian Ross was instrumental in enabling the corrupt business practices of two large corporate purveyors of New Age lifestyle products (including Yoga and Tai Chi videos)-namely, Healing Arts Publishing, Inc.

This new discussion thread dedicated to self-proclaimed "Tai Chi master" and "Zen master" david dorian ross-with the purpose of making him more infamous than he could ever dream of. TO ALL THETAOBUMS.COM SUBSCRIBERS, TAI CHI FOR HEALTH FOLLOWERS, AND FLYING PHOENIX CHI KUNG PRACTITIONERS: